Natasha Leslie

Ms Natasha Leslie is a proud Gummipingal woman of the Worimi people from Port Stephens Karuah NSW. She is currently living on Ngarluma country in the Pilbara WA. She is a mum of four daughters, an educator, an athlete, an artist, and lives with underlying health conditions that cause chronic pain.
Natasha Leslie has been recognised for her hard work, dedication, and commitment to being a role model for positive change, demonstrating that anything is possible.
Natasha was selected to participate in the Indigenous Marathon Project in 2017, a program which strives to showcase the strength of Australia’s First Nations cultures and peoples on the world stage. Each year, just 12 Indigenous Australians, out of over 150 applications, are chosen to form the years IMP Squad, most of them having limited or no previous running experience. They go on to train for 6 months, mainly in their home communities alone, with the guidance of the IMP head coach and founder Rob DeCastella, before taking on the world’s largest marathon, the New York Marathon. They participate in an education component and coaching course to be able to come back to their communities to drive change.
Since her IMP year, Natasha has continued to encourage and role model active healthy lifestyles by continuing her running journey and has now competed in five of the six World Major Marathons. Having run in the New York (2017), Berlin (2018), Chicago (2019), London (2023) and Tokyo (2024) Marathons, she is hoping to complete her Six Star World Majors journey when she tackles the Boston Marathon in 2025. Natasha had the honour of carrying the Queen’s baton in the 2018 Commonwealth Games Baton Relay. Natasha volunteers her time facilitating and coaching IMF (Indigenous Marathon Foundation) Running and Walking groups, offering sessions for both children and adults within the Karratha area.
As well as representing First Nations Australians globally, Natasha makes an impact on her local community in her work at Tambrey Primary School as the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Officer. Natasha is dedicated to her work and goes the extra mile to support her students as best suits their individual needs. Natasha works closely with Indigenous students in her community, facilitating an extra curriculum program designed to improve the physical, mental, and social wellbeing of her students. Natasha’s mentorship and guidance fosters a whole wellbeing, and it has been stated to have a profound impact on the children she works with.
Natasha Leslie is a devoted athlete and an asset to her community.