Elijah Douglas
Elijah Douglas is a Ganggalidda, Garrwa, Waanyi and Gudanji man from Doomadgee in Queensland.
At 19 years, Elijah is the Team Leader of a youth development program for Save the Children Australia. He also initiated a Student Leadership Council at Doomadgee State School where he teaches language and culture to students and teachers, and is a champion of the Remote Schools Attendance Strategy.
Elijah has written a book to record the personal journeys of Elders from his community, and in 2013, he played the didgeridoo at the Anzac Cove ceremony to commemorate the Indigenous soldiers who served for Australia.
In 2014 Elijah attended the National Indigenous Youth Parliament, and this year, attended the United Nations forum in New York, to discuss Indigenous Peoples’ rights and emerging issues.
Elijah’s aspiration is to be the first Indigenous Prime Minister of Australia, but he is committed to making a difference in his community first.