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6-13 July 2025
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Tuahine joins National NAIDOC

Michelle Tuahine

First Nations media veteran Michelle Tuahine has been appointed to the National NAIDOC Committee (NNC).

Ms Tuahine is a proud descendant of the Gangulu people of Central Queensland and Ngāti Kahungunu iwi of New Zealand’s North Island.

A veteran of Indigenous media, Ms Tuahine brings to the committee strong journalistic skills, having worked in the 1990s with ABC Television and in the mid-2000s with NITV, SBS and the National Indigenous Radio Service.

For almost a decade, Ms Tuahine served as a member of the Indigenous Advisory Group for the Brisbane Festival – Queensland’s largest arts and culture event.

Since 2018, she has been the Chair of the IAG, steering the festival toward a deeper respect and understanding of First Nations culture. That year she also became the first Indigenous Board member of ‘Flying Arts’ – a not-for-profit organisation that supports the growth, life-long practice, and appreciation of the visual arts for regional, rural and remote Queenslanders.

‘NAIDOC Week inspires me to celebrate, commemorate, and give thanks for the strength and legacy of those who have gone before us, and reminds me of the freedoms hard fought for us to enjoy,’ Ms Tuahine said.

Ms Tuahine’s appointment to the NNC followed a public expression of interest process that also saw the reappointment of Kenny Bedford, Ngarra Murray and Dr Lynette Riley.

National NAIDOC Co Chair John Paul Janke welcomed the appointment of Ms Tuahine and additional terms for Mr Bedford, Ms Murray and Dr Riley.

‘The Committee is extraordinarily fortunate to have these dynamic, accomplished and committed members in the lead up NAIDOC Week 2021 and to help maintain the growth of NAIDOC into the future.

‘All bring enormous experience and passion to the Committee,’ he added.

The NNC is a voluntary committee independent of Government and make key decisions on National NAIDOC. Members are appointed for a term of 3 years following a public expression of interest process.

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We acknowledge all First Peoples of the beautiful lands on which we live and celebrate their enduring knowledge and connections to Country. We honour the wisdom of and pay respect to Elders past and present.